Peter Pichler Architecture

Peter Pichler Architecture

Peter Pichler Architecture 彼得-皮希勒建筑事务所位于米兰,是一个屡获殊荣的建筑事务所。 我们是一个年轻、充满活力和实验精神的团队,致力于开发创新的现代建筑方法。 对传统...

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Peter Pichler Architecture is an award winning laboratory for architecture based in Milan. We are a young, dynamic and experimental team dedicated to developing an innovative and contemporary approach to architecture. Understanding tradition is the key to radical evolution. Hence, we incorporate close familiarity with local culture and respect for the natural environment into every single project. This credo builds our studio’s foundations and reflects the way we work. Our vision and team are the pillars of our success.

Peter Pichler Architecture 彼得-皮希勒建筑事务所位于米兰,是一个屡获殊荣的建筑事务所。 我们是一个年轻、充满活力和实验精神的团队,致力于开发创新的现代建筑方法。 对传统的理解是彻底革新的关键。因此,我们在每个项目中都融入了对当地文化的熟悉和对自然环境的尊重。这一信条奠定了我们工作室的基础,也反映了我们的工作方式。我们的愿景和团队是我们成功的支柱。


Our studio is located in a transformed historical warehouse in the Naviglio area of Milan. In the 60s known as “el borgh di formaggiatt” the entire district with his canals was known for cheese ripening. The double-height space with its original arches on the interior was carefully renovated as an open space studio to enhance communication and maintain the original laboratory character.

Peter Pichler Architecture

Bonfiglioli Headquarters Bologna / Italy
Peter Pichler Architecture

Hotel Milla Montis Maranza / Italy
Peter Pichler Architecture

Tree Houses Dawson Lake / United States
在顶部搜索栏中输入ID号 F812 直达企业主页



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