

安和锦 | 城市更新践行者,产...

爱站权重:PC 百度权重移动 百度移动权重

安和锦 | 城市更新践行者,产业创新参与者


AN&JIN | Urban Renewal Practitioner, Industrial Innovation Participant
AN&JIN Urban Renewal Group Co., Ltd. is one of the five major sectors under AN&JIN Business Group, and is committed to becoming China's first-class comprehensive operator of urban renewal in the whole life cycle. It mainly focuses on the core business of investment and operation in the renewal of old parks, commercial office (district) renewal, cultural and tourism neighbourhood renewal, and district renewal. Adhering to the brand proposition of ‘architectural rejuvenation, cultural operation’, the company explores the organic model of urban renewal and industrial innovation.

‘AN&JIN’ signifies the new development brand and concept. An means safety, implying green development; He means harmony, implying shared development; Jin means prosperity, implying innovative and sustainable development. It aims to join the new trend of globalisation, modernisation and informatisation, and to be at the forefront of the times, so that the land endowed with profound cultural and economic development can be revitalised.

安和锦作品 / Projects of AN&JIN

在顶部搜索栏中输入ID号 F866 直达 安和锦城市更新集团 官网主页



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